Monday, June 7, 2010

Dr. Marks appt//Chemo 5

Welp.  As you probably read via a massive text message chain or saw here.. my PET/CT scan results came back as "COMPLETE RESOLUTION"!!! Wooooooo doggie!! Such great news!!  We were all so surprised and happy with these results after only 4 treatments, I don't think words can explain.  Was it the amazing prayers and support? or that everyone is wearing their purple bracelets? or that Dr. Marks in the best oncologist ever? or all of the time spent resting in my "princess bed"? or was it  Fr. George's anointing mass? or the amazing cards and gifts that everyone sent to keep my spirits high and a smile on my face? or maybe it's a combination of ALL OF IT!! Either way, I'll take it.  I sure am a lucky girl.  This is exactly the news that I needed to get me through the last 7 chemotherapies!  Yes.  Even with the good news, I must complete the entire treatment regimen of all 12 chemotherapies.  We don't want to stop treatments and have to start all over.  Also, radiation is still a consideration for me.  Dr. Marks said that mostly all patients with Hodgkin's is treated with a bit of radiation following chemo for high cure rates, however radiation also has it's risks.  Considering my age, the location of my lymphoma, and that I am a female, our concern is that radiation could cause breast cancer or other complications later in life.  We would want to avoid these risks if at all possible, but still keep our main focus on curing me of lymphoma for good.  At my appointment he said he would talk with other lymphoma oncologists across the country about my specific case and consider their opinions before making an absolute decision about radiation.  I'll keep you posted on what I find out!   Since the PET/CT came back as "complete resolution", I won't have to have another PET/CT until completion of my treatment regimen (versus every 2 treatment cycles).

Otherwise, the chemo seemed a bit easier this past week than other previous chemotherapies.  I think it was a combination that my treatment was scheduled later in the day so I was able to get rest and some food in me before starting AND the amazing news!!!  It sure helps to know that the drugs being pumped into me are helping.  Good is coming from the 4 hours spent getting each treatment and the terrible feeling that I get the days following.  Thank goodness.  I spent the 4 hours of chemo snacking on SunChips and pizza.. and having fun with my nurse, parents, and neighboring chemo patients, selling some purple bracelets, and of course, loved my visit from Amanda!! Thanks again for stopping by-- you're the best!   My nurse gave me a little pin this time reading "CANCER SUCKS."  hah loooove it and pinned it right onto my purple Vera Bradley "Chemo Bag" that Steve's mom got for me!! :)

Oh, and some other great news.. My neutrophils went up to 1.4 this week!! That has been the highest they've been as a pre chemo blood draw since my treatment started!!! All around it's good news!

Click on the chart to make it larger!!

 A happy me pictured with some pretty great test results!! 

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