Sunday, July 18, 2010


This past week, Steve's aunt Patty and I dropped off $2500 to the Mario Lemieux Foundation from all of the HAVE COURAGE bracelets that were sold!!!!! 

Thaaaaank you to everyone who helped raise money and donated to the great cause!!!!!!! I'm so lucky to have so many great people surrounding and supporting me.  It's good to know that something positive can come from what can sometimes be a not-so-positive experience.  

Bracelets are still being sold at Redstone Pharmacy, through myself, and my LKS sisters will be selling them at the LKS Convention which is hosted in Pittsburgh this year (so the purple bands will be worn by pharmacy students/pharmacists across the country)!!!!  So.. if you would still like to buy a bracelet or donate, we will be taking another trip to the Mario Lemieux Foundation office again within another month or two!!  We already have a $400 check waiting for the next trip and we would love to add to it to make another large donation!!

On my way to a Penguins game soon after being diagnosed wearing my Mario jersey my lovely sister bought me :)

Thanks again!!! 

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