Friday, November 5, 2010

One month Follow-Up... CANCER FREE!!

As promised, I have a few more details from what I wrote in my previous post.  I have been so caught up in getting back to taking make-up exams that I've yet to complete from spring semester that I've neglected everyone in blog-world.  MY APOLOGIES!! 

On September 30th, I had my one-month follow-up PET/CT and bloodwork.  It was all fine and dandy... I'm getting used to the whole process versus my first scan experience.  It helps to know what to expect.  I got my port accessed first, they took a few tubes of blood for just about every blood test imaginable, then scooted right over to get my PET/CT done.  THANKFULLY that was lil Whitney Port's LAST POKE!! They first had to do a glucose test (which was fine) then I drank a gross Tang mixture, got injected with radioactive sugar, sat in a dark room for an hour, where after 20 minutes I drank another Tang mixture..... then it was time.  ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM in and out of the tube for 20-30 minutes with some CT contrast injected (which of course, made me feel like I pee-ed my pants) and I was DONE.  Upon finishing, I got the results to most of my bloodwork from earlier, with all results falling within their "normal" ranges.  We had to wait until the Dr. Marks appt. on October 4th  to get the complete/official results but knowing the bloodwork that came back was "normal," I was able to have a bit of peace of mind.

On October 4th, we went to see Dr. Marks who gave us the fabulous results that I was cancer-free!!  Laura peeked in before he stopped by to tell us the news!!  It's the most amazing feeling to know that the 6 months of non-so-fun ABVD chemo has paid off!  They did say that I did have a little bit of residual in my lungs from the Bleo.. but I'll be fine.  Dr. Marks said I could get my port out as soon as I would like because I wouldn't have a need for it so we scheduled the appointment for 2 days later!! 

After the appointment, Mom and Dad took me to Mallorca to "get tanked"... as Dad would say!! hah  We had a lot to celebrate and a lot of amaaaizing scallops and sangria!! :) 
 We finished off our day with some retail therapy at Ross Park Mall.  Even though I don't have cancer doesn't mean retail therapy isn't a must!!  Heck, I got to keep that cancer away somehow! :)

October 6th was my port removal.  I was back at Shadyside Hospital bright and early.  Instead of having me in an outpatient room, I was in the recovery area pre and post op and therefore my parents couldn't come back to keep me company and calm while waiting :(.  I got settled in, they placed my IV and before I knew it I was in the operating room.  I was nervous as heck and my knees were knocking.  As much as all of this has made me a lot more tolerable of medical procedures on myself, I can't help my nerves.  They put a one time dose antibiotic in my IV alongside with versed and fentanyl for a conscious sedation (they said they gave me a lil more than they usually give because I was so nervous--oops).  They numbed the area with lidocaine injections, then it was a quick cut, pull, and stitch.  I didn't feel much and before I knew it, it was over.  

Friends... meet "WHITNEY PORT"!!!!

They used the same incision to take the port out that they originally made when placing the port.  Steri-strips and dissolvable stitches were used to close the incision.  I'm now trying my darndest to make that incision go away.  I don't mind it.. it's a battle scar, but let's see how well Mederma works!! 

This pic is from when I first took the Steri-strips off on October 19th (13 days after port removal).  There is a lot of dried glue and minimal bruising surrounding the incision.

 This was taken October 25th (19 days after port removal).  Glue/scab and bruising is gone with one dissolvable stitch remaining on each end of the incision.

Taken November 5th (one month after port removal).  The magic of Mederma is pretty amazing.  One dissolvable stitch remains and the incision is healing very well.

Phew, this was quite a lengthy post but I had a lot of catching up to do!! 
Happy Friday everyone!! Enjoy your weekend :)


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