Saturday, March 19, 2011


Hello friends.  After being beat down from chemo, I've decided it's time to get back on my feet and move again.  While I would get on the treadmill now and again since treatments ended, I wasn't really motivated annnd motivation is exactly what I needed.  Miss. Amanda came through asking me to run the UPMC Health Plan/UPMC Sports Medicine 5K Run with her.  I wasn't feeling I would be prepared to run the half or full marathon so when they announced that a 5K was added to the Pittsburgh Marathon weekend, it was a go!!  Today I started The Couch-to-5K Running Plan .  I personally like to call it the CANCER-to-5K Running Plan.... seems a bit more fitting for me. :)  Only time will tell if it works, but let's hope so.

I mentioned how I have issues with motivation... this post is not so much to keep everyone updated on my progress, but rather motivate me as you all are now waiting to see how I do come 5K day.  Heck, I got through 6 months of ABVD... I can do this!!

Look for these smiles on the finish line May 14th.  :)

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