Tuesday, October 18, 2011

One year post-chemo... STILL CANCER-FREE!!

Hello hello hello all... it's been quite some time since I posted but I wanted to share that my most recent scan (a couple of weeks ago) came back clean as a whistle!! I am still cancer-free!!  I am currently scheduling scans every 6 months for monitoring, but as each year of remission passes, chance of recurrence gets smaller and smaller as I get closer to "cure" status at the 5-year post-chemo mark.  I am proud to say I made it a year and I am finally finding some normalcy in my life... I am preparing to graduate in December (and my hair is now chin-length.. hah).  I sure have come a long way and I couldn't thank each and every one of my supporters enough for being by my side through my speed bump in life.  The cards, flowers, fruit baskets, gifts, balloons, hugs, words of support, prayers, and purple garb couldn't be more appreciated.  Know that you helped to put me in remission and your continual support is keeping me there... thank you, thank you!!
XO Teresa

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