Friday, March 26, 2010

Bone Marrow Biopsy 3/23/2010

O man, I was SOOOO nervous for this because anyone that I mentioned a bone marrow biopsy to said how painful it's supposed to be.  I was noticeably nervous when I got there and everyone knew about my skyrocketing heart rate the day before during my port placement so THANKFULLY I got some meds to take all my worries away.  Of course my veins were terrible from all my prior needle sticks so the "best nurse" got called to place my IV.  She was good.. but my veins are tiny and have been stuck so many times already!! Again, yay for my port!  She attempted one needle stick to my right wrist where a few tubes of blood was successfully taken, but unfortunately when they tried to push the demerol and ativan it was a no go.  Needle stick number two was successful in the left forearm. (they contemplated using my port after the first needle stick was a fail but decided against it since it was just placed the day prior and still needed healing) As soon as they pushed the drugs in my IV, I was a happy girl.

For the biopsy, I was turned onto my left side and my biopsy was performed on the back of my right hip bone.  Before the bone marrow cells were collected, the area was numbed with lidocaine injections.  First the skin, then deeper to the bone.  THIS STUNG, but only lasted a few seconds.  After that, the biopsy began.  It was an awkward pain..swooshing pain is the only way I can think to describe it.  It was over before I knew it, but little did we know the main event was about to begin......

Throughout the entire procedure, the staff joked about how often pharmacy students on rotation at the Hillman observe bone marrow biopsies and pass out.  Well they got a pharmacist to pass out today!! That's right, DAD PASSED OUT!!!  Mom and Dad were by my side the entire procedure and helped me through the pain and nervous feelings.  After the procedure was all over, Dad said he wasn't feeling good and decided he should sit down.. then he put his head between his legs..... then he felt the need to sit on the floor........... then he was OUT!  The staff tried ammonia smelling salts, pushing on his chest, and cold cloths on his forehead.  He finally woke up and was fine and dandy, but I promise he won't live this one down!  I have to say that it did distract me to take my mind off of the bone marrow being sucked out of my hip!  Thanks for the distraction, Dad!! :)

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