Tuesday, September 14, 2010

12th and FINAL Chemotx!!

Oh, happy day!!! It has been quite a journey from the very first day when I found a lump under my collarbone. At times, it never felt like final treatment would come.. but sure enough, I'M DONE!! The night before was seriously like the night before Christmas morning. I was so excited.

I went to the treatment dressed in head-to-toe purple. I had my purple wig, purple shirt, purple nails, purple bag, purple dressed parents, purple friends, purple cookies.. it was my purple dream come true. The treatment itself was like any other... poke "Whitney", blood tests, premeds, ABV, moonwalk down the hall with the chemo pole, D. Wait what was that?? Yes I moonwalked and it was fabulous.

I was placed in a VERY VIP room which worked out well for my many visitors of friends and Hillman staff that came by to celebrate with me. It was roomy, had a nice window to look out, a TV bigger than 4 inches, and its very own princess bed.. it was the right way go out. Since the Hillman moved some things around, it worked out to be the exact bed that I was in for my bone marrow biopsy... and oh, how we laughed about how Dad passed out onto the floor one last time (yeah right, years from now we will still be laughing over his shining moment). 

Upon my arrival, the nurses had a princess crown for me to wear and Amanda topped off my look with a purple feather boa.

On my 90 minute "D" bag, Amanda and I stopped by all the nurse stations and patient rooms on the 3rd floor to pass out cookies to spread some cheer and say goodbye. Before we knew it, 6 dozen cookies were gone and everyone was smiling. :)

Then it was the FINAL COUNTDOWN
(cue Europe YouTube video below now--hahaha) 

5 minutes to go... 

then I was done done done!!
Can you tell I was happy?

Next homework assignment for my support group: PRAY that my one month follow-up PET/CT and bloodwork is clean. The PET/CT and bloodwork is on September 30th and I'll get the results on October 4th. If all goes well, port removal surgery will soon follow.

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