Monday, January 23, 2012

Mario Lemieux Foundation's latest project

Remember when you contributed to the Mario Lemieux Foundation with a donation for a HAVE COURAGE bracelet or by attending a fundraiser event with me?  I’d like to think the many thousands of dollars we raised together helped to contribute to MLF’s latest project: a Blood Cancer Center on the 4th floor of Hillman Cancer Center.  Perhaps we bought a few treatment chairs??  Thanks to everyone who donated and for making those battling a blood cancer a bit easier.  

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

One year post-chemo... STILL CANCER-FREE!!

Hello hello hello all... it's been quite some time since I posted but I wanted to share that my most recent scan (a couple of weeks ago) came back clean as a whistle!! I am still cancer-free!!  I am currently scheduling scans every 6 months for monitoring, but as each year of remission passes, chance of recurrence gets smaller and smaller as I get closer to "cure" status at the 5-year post-chemo mark.  I am proud to say I made it a year and I am finally finding some normalcy in my life... I am preparing to graduate in December (and my hair is now chin-length.. hah).  I sure have come a long way and I couldn't thank each and every one of my supporters enough for being by my side through my speed bump in life.  The cards, flowers, fruit baskets, gifts, balloons, hugs, words of support, prayers, and purple garb couldn't be more appreciated.  Know that you helped to put me in remission and your continual support is keeping me there... thank you, thank you!!
XO Teresa

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Hello friends.  After being beat down from chemo, I've decided it's time to get back on my feet and move again.  While I would get on the treadmill now and again since treatments ended, I wasn't really motivated annnd motivation is exactly what I needed.  Miss. Amanda came through asking me to run the UPMC Health Plan/UPMC Sports Medicine 5K Run with her.  I wasn't feeling I would be prepared to run the half or full marathon so when they announced that a 5K was added to the Pittsburgh Marathon weekend, it was a go!!  Today I started The Couch-to-5K Running Plan .  I personally like to call it the CANCER-to-5K Running Plan.... seems a bit more fitting for me. :)  Only time will tell if it works, but let's hope so.

I mentioned how I have issues with motivation... this post is not so much to keep everyone updated on my progress, but rather motivate me as you all are now waiting to see how I do come 5K day.  Heck, I got through 6 months of ABVD... I can do this!!

Look for these smiles on the finish line May 14th.  :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Hello all... I just wanted to give you a quick update... a bit late.

As most of you know, my January follow-up was clean as a whistle.  We had quite a time finding a vein this time for the PET/CT and bloodwork since I no longer have my port.  SEVEN pokes later.. I finally was set with my IV.  Anddddd after all of that, I found out in my appointment a few days later that my bloodwork was lost... poof!, gone, like it never existed.  Not in the computer system or ANYTHING.  SON OF A UUUGH.  However, while the bloodwork is great to have, it's the scan that really matters, and it was clean.  PHEW.  CANCER FREE!!  It quickly became a tradition that clean scans = dinner at Mallorca so off we went!! Sorry.. no dinner pics this time!! :)

My hair is growing like CRAZY.  It's more curly and full than ever before.  For a while, I said I wanted to embrace the pixie, but I'm really wanting something different. So...I'm going to attempt to let it grow.  My biggest fear is the awkward in-between stage where it may begin morphing into a mullet.  If any of you think it's looking borderline mullet, PLEASE tell me.  I will not be offended in any way.  I'd actually be very thankful. haha  The hair growth process should be interesting to say the least.

As far as my pharmacy schooling/career goes, I plan to be done in December.  Not too shabby for having cancer, eh?  I'm really excited for my upcoming rotations...especially those focusing on oncology.  I'd like to chalk up the whole Hodge situation and say things happen for a reason.  Perhaps oncology will be a direction that I never considered before and my personal experience needed to happen to spark my interest.  Only time will tell.

My next follow-up will be the week of Easter.. until then, I'll be enjoying spring and celebrating a birthday where I DON'T have to go to a fertility consult.  Thank goodness!!  Thanks for the continual support and prayers throughout this past year.  It's been quite a journey and I'm so grateful for the normalcy that is FINALLY back in my life.

Friday, November 5, 2010

One month Follow-Up... CANCER FREE!!

As promised, I have a few more details from what I wrote in my previous post.  I have been so caught up in getting back to taking make-up exams that I've yet to complete from spring semester that I've neglected everyone in blog-world.  MY APOLOGIES!! 

On September 30th, I had my one-month follow-up PET/CT and bloodwork.  It was all fine and dandy... I'm getting used to the whole process versus my first scan experience.  It helps to know what to expect.  I got my port accessed first, they took a few tubes of blood for just about every blood test imaginable, then scooted right over to get my PET/CT done.  THANKFULLY that was lil Whitney Port's LAST POKE!! They first had to do a glucose test (which was fine) then I drank a gross Tang mixture, got injected with radioactive sugar, sat in a dark room for an hour, where after 20 minutes I drank another Tang mixture..... then it was time.  ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM in and out of the tube for 20-30 minutes with some CT contrast injected (which of course, made me feel like I pee-ed my pants) and I was DONE.  Upon finishing, I got the results to most of my bloodwork from earlier, with all results falling within their "normal" ranges.  We had to wait until the Dr. Marks appt. on October 4th  to get the complete/official results but knowing the bloodwork that came back was "normal," I was able to have a bit of peace of mind.

On October 4th, we went to see Dr. Marks who gave us the fabulous results that I was cancer-free!!  Laura peeked in before he stopped by to tell us the news!!  It's the most amazing feeling to know that the 6 months of non-so-fun ABVD chemo has paid off!  They did say that I did have a little bit of residual in my lungs from the Bleo.. but I'll be fine.  Dr. Marks said I could get my port out as soon as I would like because I wouldn't have a need for it so we scheduled the appointment for 2 days later!! 

After the appointment, Mom and Dad took me to Mallorca to "get tanked"... as Dad would say!! hah  We had a lot to celebrate and a lot of amaaaizing scallops and sangria!! :) 
 We finished off our day with some retail therapy at Ross Park Mall.  Even though I don't have cancer doesn't mean retail therapy isn't a must!!  Heck, I got to keep that cancer away somehow! :)

October 6th was my port removal.  I was back at Shadyside Hospital bright and early.  Instead of having me in an outpatient room, I was in the recovery area pre and post op and therefore my parents couldn't come back to keep me company and calm while waiting :(.  I got settled in, they placed my IV and before I knew it I was in the operating room.  I was nervous as heck and my knees were knocking.  As much as all of this has made me a lot more tolerable of medical procedures on myself, I can't help my nerves.  They put a one time dose antibiotic in my IV alongside with versed and fentanyl for a conscious sedation (they said they gave me a lil more than they usually give because I was so nervous--oops).  They numbed the area with lidocaine injections, then it was a quick cut, pull, and stitch.  I didn't feel much and before I knew it, it was over.  

Friends... meet "WHITNEY PORT"!!!!

They used the same incision to take the port out that they originally made when placing the port.  Steri-strips and dissolvable stitches were used to close the incision.  I'm now trying my darndest to make that incision go away.  I don't mind it.. it's a battle scar, but let's see how well Mederma works!! 

This pic is from when I first took the Steri-strips off on October 19th (13 days after port removal).  There is a lot of dried glue and minimal bruising surrounding the incision.

 This was taken October 25th (19 days after port removal).  Glue/scab and bruising is gone with one dissolvable stitch remaining on each end of the incision.

Taken November 5th (one month after port removal).  The magic of Mederma is pretty amazing.  One dissolvable stitch remains and the incision is healing very well.

Phew, this was quite a lengthy post but I had a lot of catching up to do!! 
Happy Friday everyone!! Enjoy your weekend :)

Friday, October 8, 2010


This was a big week...

  • 1 month follow-up PET/CT last Thurs, Sept 30th
  • Results w Dr. Marks Mon, Oct 1st
  • Port Removal Wed, Oct 6th
I just wanted to let everyone know everything went well and I AM CANCER FREE!!!  The PET/CT came back clear (with some residual in my lungs left from the Bleo, Dr. Marks listened to my lungs and I'm fine) and the bloodwork was clear as well.  I therefore was able to get my port out as soon as possible, and after the Dr. Marks appointment, we scheduled it 2 days later.  I'm in recovery mode now but recovering just fine!!  I'll post more details of all of the 3 above events at a later time.  

The next stop on my cancer journey is follow-up bloodwork, PET/CT, and appointment with Dr. Marks in 3 months (JANUARY).  I will be getting follow-up periodically for the next 5 years.

SOOO everyone put on their happy dance pants-- TERESA IS CANCER FREE!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Voting for the Talbots shopping spree giveaway has begun!!!! 
CLICK HERE to bring up my voting page, then click on the "like" button next to "VOTE FOR TERESA"!! 
Voting ends September 30th.  
Make sure you get your vote in and send the link to everyone you know!!

I forever thank you, Teresa