Friday, May 14, 2010

LLS Team in Training!!

The Pittsburgh Marathon took place on May 2nd.  Congrats to everyone who ran a great race in the pouring rain!!  The night before the race I was feeling well enough to attend the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Team In Training Pasta Party!! It was so great so see everyone who was running for such a great cause and it felt good to get out for a nice dinner surrounded by great friends and family.  Hopefully this time next year, lymphoma will be behind me and I can train with the TEAM!!  As mentioned in an earlier post, Meagan Kanski ran the marathon in my honor-- THANK YOU Meagan for everything that you and the TEAM has done for me!! And another BIG THANK YOU to everyone who donated to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through her fundraising page.. the support from every single one of you is amazing!  

Here's a few pics from the event--
                    Dana, Meagan, and Marsha-- Thanks for everything!!

                     Steeephen :)

                     Stephen, Lindsay, and Nikki

If you are still interested in donating to Meagan's Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Team in Training page, you can still donate by clicking here!!  

Thanks to everyone else who ran the marathon for me-- I know there is many of you, you're the best!!

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