Saturday, August 14, 2010

Chemoland, VIP style.

So.. Chemo 10 was ten days ago.. on August 4th.. but I have been sick with a cold between treatments that has really brought me down, therefore, less typing and more sleeping.  I'm starting to feel a bit better now, but it's taking some time for me to recover completely.  I'll post sometime in the near future about the cold experience during cancer, and how it caused me to end up in the Shadyside Hospital ER.  (It was scary at the time but I'm fine, I'm fine.. please nobody panic.)

But before we can post about the cold, we have to first cover chemo 10!!  Chemo 10 just like any other.  Poke, blood tests, premed, chemo, and side effects.  The only difference was VIP treatment.  Ok, ok.. it wasn't that big of a deal, but they're moving around a few departments in the Hillman so now blood transfusions are taking place where Chemoland used to be.. Chemoland got moved to the old Stem-cell area, and Stem-cell got moved downstairs.  So.. upgrade for me!!!  We had flat screen TV's, hardwood floors, love seats, and a lot more space for when Miss. Amanda Suski visited (and brought me a beautiful purple scarf from the new Purple store in Myrtle Beach).  My parents also got to enjoy the huge family room (to be honest I didn't see it-- once they get the IV benadryl in me I am out!! and don't travel far.)   The other perk was a bathroom that was a lot closer, and for a lot less patients.  My room had one other patient, with a curtain divider.  Our room was linked to the neighboring 2-patient room through the bathroom, that the total 4 patients are intended to share.  It was nice.  Instead of having to walk half-asleep across the land, I could just go a few feet to the VIP bathroom.  It was only for patient use, so it was always open when I needed it (another perk!).  Thanks Hillman, for the VIP Chemoland experience. :)
me enjoying VIP treatment, riiiight before the CHEMO treatment actually started

The other thing about this treatment is that my neutrophils upon pre-chemo blood-drawl were down to 0.8.  Oh to have a life of not being neutropenic, I wish I could remember those days.  I was given 7 days of prophylaxis Cipro to cover me from getting anytype of infection while I was down for the count.  My nurse discussed that this commonly happens near the end of treatment, as the chemo is catching up to me and getting the best of me.

(click to make the chart larger!!)

This will all be over before we know it!! Thaaaank goodness! 
10 down, 2 to gooo!!!

ooh, I almost forgot-- GO STEELERS!! First preseason game tonight!!!

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