Thursday, April 8, 2010


Like I said in an earlier post, my stage is 2b.  The "b" is representative of the presence of symptoms.. so you're an "a" if you have no symptoms and a "b" if you have symptoms.  In my case, the "b" is part of my staging because I have experienced night sweats, cough, ~20 lbs weight loss, itchiness, and tiredness.  While each of these symptoms are non-specific and could be due to many other things, the combination is the classic symptoms of lymphoma.
Upon visiting with Dr. Marks in my appointment the day of my first chemotx, he mentioned that my symptom of night sweats would go away in about 1 week. It's amazing how quickly the chemotx drugs work that I would see results that immediately!  Well sure enough, the night sweats are gone!!!!!!! I have been experiencing drenching night sweats since around Thanksgiving-time.  Every morning when I woke up, it was like a bucket of water was dumped on me and my bed in the middle of the night.  I may have been naive, but I just associated the night sweats with the fact that cold temperatures were approaching quickly so I had my heat blasting in my apartment and that I looove blankets and always slept with several every night.  Dr. Marks mentioned that it would be a week until they symptoms were gone and it only took 2 nights!!! The third night the sweats were gone!!! It was crazy how used to it I've become and I just accepted the sweats.  Now without the sweats I've been sleeping sooo much better-- it's amazing.  Hopefully all of this is a sign that my body is responding well to the chemotx and that the 8.6 cm mass in my chest is growing smaller and smaller each day!!!

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