Thursday, April 8, 2010

Planning ahead...

Upon my pre-chemotx appointment, Dr. Marks and my nurse discussed the association between my treatment (ABVD chemotx) and alopecia--aka HAIR LOSS.  They said that in approximately 15 days after my first treatment that my hair will begin to fall out.  They mentioned that at first I would notice hair on my pillow when I wake up in the morning, then it would rapidly begin to fall out in "clumps".  According to the 15-day prediction, my hair is expected to fall out around the beginning of my next scheduled treatment, April 14th.

It's important for this kind of change that you plan and prepare!!  It's crazy that for some reason I decided to chop all of my hair off in fall 2009.  It was like for some reason I needed to prepare with short hair for what was to come.  Other steps to prepare includes finding a wig, buying cute scarves that will compliment every outfit, and accepting that there's nothing that I can do and that my hair WILL fall out.  It's amazing that the Hillman Cancer Center truly has EVERYTHING that you can dream for as a cancer patient, including a wig and hair salon.  The hair salon located in the Hillman is Hair Enhancements of Pittsburgh.  (  On Tuesday, Steve went with me to pick a wig.  Since my hair is currently short and my treatments are during the hot summer months, I wanted a short wig.  I tried on many different styles and myself, Steve, and the hair restoration specialist decided upon a wig that is VERY similar to my current hairstyle.  Steve was an amazing help in telling me what looked good and what didn't... we made it a fun day!  The wig that they had in the shop was a few shades too dark so we ordered a wig in my preferred natural color that will be ready for me in a few days.  The wigs are so nice and feel like my actual hair when on my head.  You can style the wigs with hairspray or wax and brush and comb them as if it's your actual hair.  The salon provides shampoo and conditioner for the wig.  The only instructions is that absolutely NO HEAT be applied to the wig.  No blow dryers, flat irons, or even wearing the wig when opening ovens.

The salon also offers head shaving for patients.  They recommend that as soon as the fallen hair is seen on my pillow that I get my head shaved so the traumatic "clumping" stage is avoided.  I am trying to keep positive through all of this.  When I get out of the shower every morning I tell myself how nice it's going to be when I don't have to spend time blow-drying and styling my hair!! It'll take a good half-hour off of my morning routine!  I'll keep everyone posted on when the hair starts to fall.. I'm sure it'll be any day now.

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