Thursday, April 1, 2010

One down, Eleven to go!!-- First Chemotx

As soon as I got to the Hillman Cancer Center, I checked in and was told my port line would be placed.  Can I please just say whoever it was who invented ports needs to win a huge prize.  The port line placement was SOOO easy!!! Just one little poke and I was happy as pie.  I didn't even know blood was taken when the line was placed, mom had to tell Dr. Marks when he asked later..  haha good thing she was there to see.....

After the port line was placed, I went to see Dr. Marks.  Mom, Dad, and Steve were with me to hear the reaaaally great news: my stage is 2b and my bone marrow biopsy is negative!! He did say that the mass between my lungs is 8.6 centimeters, so we'll have to see how well I respond to chemo and I may need radiation once the chemo is all over.

Next I went to the chemotherapy center... we were originally placed in a single private room, but my nurse, Donna, suggested that we move to a semi-private room next to her nursing station so she could keep an eye on me.  That was fine with me.. if I needed anything I could just shout and she'd hear me.  First Donna spoke with us about all the drugs, what to expect, and the potential side effects.  She gave me a binder where all of my labs will be kept, with info on what to eat for various side effects, and pamphlets on how to deal with cancer.  Next I was given my premeds.  First Tylenol, by mouth, then a steroid, benadryl, and anti-nausea meds through my port.  The benadryl made me sleeeepy.  After the premed IV bags were emptied, we started a saline drip and we were ready to start the first chemotherapy drug-- Adriamycin.  This drug looks bright red like fruit punch.  The Adriamycin was slowly pushed through my port line where it was diluted through the saline drip.  Second was the Vinblastine push which was slowly diluted as well.  Next I had to get a shot in the arm of Bleomycin.  This was to make sure I didn't have a reaction.  I had to wait a half hour until I was given the remaining Bleomycin via an IV bag.  Finally, I had a 90 minute drip Dacarbazine.  And I was donnneeee.

It was a long day, but not a bad day.  We were there from 830-230... a loooong day.  hah Thanks a ton to my mom, dad, and Steve for making the day an easy one!! Love you all  :)   also, thanks to all the many friend text messages and calls throughout the day.. I have the best support group surrounding me!!

I was sent home with scripts for Zofran and Compazine.  I took one of each yesterday and two compazine so far today.. The nausea isn't terrible.. just feels like a flip-floppy belly.  And other that that I'm a bit tired.  So far so good.  :)


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